Saturday, November 16, 2019

Fat Chance Essay Example for Free

Fat Chance Essay Introduction to the use of computer-based statistical software packages and applications in the analysis and interpretation of the data. Topics include both descriptive statistics and inference methods. Software packages include EXCEL, Minitab, SAS and R. Prerequisite: MATH1107 OR MATH3332 OR ECON2300 OR STAT3125. (Kennesaw State University Undergraduate Catalog). Required Text All reading material is available free on our D2L website in the Resources folder. The manuals are the Basic Concepts Manual, Excel Manual, SPSS Manual, Minitab Manual, SAS Manual and R Manual. We will also be using the Supplemental Text written by Dr. Daniel Yanosky. It will be advantageous to use a flash drive in this class. It is not required, but highly advised to use one. 1 Learning Outcomes Students will receive instruction in the four major data analysis software packages listed above. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to use each of these packages to: ? Function as an informed user and critical consumer of statistics able to answer questions in an intelligent, informed, and insightful manner and pose intelligent questions concerning data, data analysis, and software use. ? Obtain and correctly  interpret the measures of central tendency and dispersion of a data set. ? Generate and correctly interpret a variety of graphics for both univariate and multivariate analyses. ? Generate random numbers and use them to perform Simple Random Sampling. ? Generate and correctly interpret confidence intervals. ? Represent themselves as proficient in each of these packages in a job interview or professional environment. Moreover, students will be able to do the following irrespective of computer software: ? ? ? ? ? Identify types of statistical variables. Differentiate the roles of explanatory and response variables. State a proper research hypothesis. Choose an appropriate statistical analysis for a given situation. Summarize and communicate analysis results through a professional document. Course Website Materials We will be using D2L exclusively for this course. Quizzes, assignments, the textbook, additional readings,videos and other materials are posted there. Students are expected to check their D2L email account on a daily basis. In order to understand fully the organization of the course and how to navigate the website, the student should read all documents and watch all videos in the Start Here learning module. Communication The preferred method of communication is through the D2L e-mail. The instructor will answer all e-mails as soon as possible. This should be within 24 hours during the week and by Monday morning for weekends. There may be exceptions. 2 Grading Policy Each students final course grade will be determined based on their performance on the following: Class Component Quizzes (7) Homework 1 Homework 2 Final Project Percentage of Final Grade 10% 25% 30% 35% Letter Grade A B C D F Percentile Grade 90% 100% 80% 89% 70% 79% 60% 69% Below 60% Quizzes Required Readings. Completion of required readings will be assessed through timed online quizzes on D2L. Students are provided study guides to be completed while reading. These should be completed and available when taking the quizzes. Students are not allowed to collaborate on the quizzes. However, because they are online, they are essentially open book, open note quizzes. Use your quiz study guides. A total of seven (7) quizzes will be administered. With the exception of the syllabus quiz, each student will have two attempts with 15 minutes to complete the quiz (10 questions). If you have completed the study guide, it will be easy to score well on these quizzes. For the syllabus quiz, each student will have 30 minutes and two attempts. You will be required to use the Respondus LockDown Browser when taking all quizzes. Instructions on how to download this browser will appear the first time that you take a quiz. Homework Assignments Two (2) homework assignments are scheduled for the semester. Timely completion of all homework assignments is required. Homework must be submitted via D2L by midnight on the due date specified in the course schedule in order to receive full credit. Homework may be submitted up to 1 day late with a penalty of 15 points. After that time, no homework will be accepted. Students are encouraged to work together in groups and discuss problems and their answers for homework assignments ONLY. Nonetheless, all work submitted to the instructor must be an authentic product of each individual student. In other words, if you collaborate with someone else on an assignment, it is best to work together at first, but then separate and write your final product on your 3 own. Please ask questions if this expectation is not clear. Homework assignments may be checked on TurnItIn. Ensure that your final product is your original work. If evidence arises that a student has submitted someone elses work as their own or has committed some other academic violation of the University Code of Conduct, the instructor reserves the right to apply any academic penalty up to and including a failing grade (i. e. , â€Å"F) for the class. In any case, the student will be referred to the University Judiciary Program for formal documentation and/or charges. The charges and penalty decided by the University Judiciary Program may be different and/or more severe than that of the instructor. Final Project The final project will be performed using SAS. A complete data analysis will be performed and a professional report prepared. There will be no collaboration on this project. Final Projects will not be accepted after the due date. Further information concerning the final project is posted in the Drop Box on D2L. Attendance You are allowed to miss two days without penalty. Upon the third absence, you will lose one (1) letter grade†¦NO EXCEPTIONS. Attendance will be recorded twice during each class. It is your responsibility to sign the attendance record when you enter the room. Because it is disruptive and distracting to the other students for you to arrive late or leave early, repeated incidences will need to be addressed. If you are more than 15 minutes late, you will be marked absent. You may not leave early unless you have discussed the reason with me before class. There is no distinction made between excused and unexcused absences: A student is either in attendance or not. Please do not bring excuses to class. A student who misses a class is responsible for all material missed. This class will only meet 8 times; therefore, attendance is important to your success in the class. It is essential that you are in class on time with the computer booted up, the materials that you need for class downloaded from D2L and signed on to Citrix (when appropriate). If you are late, you will be behind. I will be opening the classroom between 7:45 and 8:00 so that you can be in class and prepared by 8:00. The class will not slow down or wait for late arrivals. The material that we cover in class is not the material covered in the videos. You are responsible for both elements of the class. 4 Technology ? Students must have access to the course website and be able to download appropriate materials from that site. If you are having problems with access, try a different browser. Also, make sure that you have the most recent version of Java installed on your computer. ? Students are expected to use the software applications via the KSU Citrix server in order to complete homework and other assignments. The website is https://science-citrix2. kennesaw. edu/Citrix/XenApp/auth/login. aspx ? The Excel Manual covers Excel 2010. We will only use 2010 in class, If you do not have 2010 or 2007, you will need to use a school computer or the Excel program offered on the Citrix server. There is little to no difference in Excel 2007 and Excel 2010. The same instructions will work for both. ? Students will need a media player installed on their computers. If you don’t have one, you can download one free on the internet. Some websites where you may obtain these are listed below: VLC http://www. videolan. org/vlc/ KSU KSU has free software downloads for students. Visit the website and see what is available for you. https://apps. kennesaw. edu/portal/prod/app_uni_sso/login. asp ? If you use a Mac, you will find that some of the functionalities of Excel are not the same, or may not work. If this happens to you, use Citrix, find a friend with a PC or use one of the school computers. This is not an excuse for your homework product to be inferior or late. If you have technology problems, o Call the IT help desk, 770-499-3555 or visit the walk-in STS Helpdesk, BB475. o For D2L, call 866-588-5293. o For Citrix, fill out a ticket using the link on the log-in page. If you do not get a response within 24 hours, let me know and I will check with them for you. ? 5 Classroom Policies Procedures 1. The instructor holds the following expectations for all students. (a) Show respect for other class members at all times. (b) Uphold the University Code of Conduct. (c)Participate in class activities in such a way as to maximize learning opportunities for yourself and others. (d) Arrive to class on time and prepared This includes both academic preparation (i. e. , having completed required readings and watched the assigned videos, being prepared to discuss topics and otherwise participate in class activities when appropriate) 2. The students name, â€Å"STAT 3010. 01, the date, and the assignment type and number (e. g. , â€Å"HW3) should appear at the top right hand corner of the TITLE page of all products submitted to the instructor for evaluation. 3. Ringing cell phones will NOT be tolerated in class. If you elect to bring your cell phone to class, SILENCE it and put it away (out of sight). Texting, etc. in class will result in the student being requested to turn the phone off. All cell phones will be placed in backpacks, out of sight, for the duration of the class. 4. Talking to other students during the lecture will result in your being asked to leave the classroom. 5. At the end of class, log off of the program you are using, log off of Citrix and log off of the computer (Do not turn it off. ), carefully lower the screen and push your chair in. Suggestions for Academic Success The class is purposefully designed so that if you do the following, you will succeed: 1. Read, take notes and study the required reading. 2. Complete the study guides and use them when taking the D2L quizzes. 3. Watch the assigned videos and come to class prepared to perform related activities and to answer questions about the videos. 4. Attend class. 5. Participate actively in class. 6 6. Practice what we have learned in class each day. 7. Work on the associated homework while referencing the reading, your notes, the videos and optionally working with your classmates. Be sure to follow the homework instructions and guidelines specified in Part 1 of the 3010 Supplemental Text. Use the posted sample papers, when available, on D2L as models for your work. Use the rubric. 8. Submit all work on time through D2L. 9. Watch the videos and use the associated teaching notes, when they are available. The videos cover different material than we cover in class. 10. Do not procrastinate! WITHDRAWAL FROM THE UNIVERSITY OR FROM INDIVIDUAL COURSES AND ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Summer Term, 2013. Withdrawal Students who find that they cannot continue in college for the entire semester after being enrolled, because of illness or any other reason, need to complete an online form. To completely or partially withdraw from classes at KSU, a student must withdraw online at www. kennesaw. edu, under Owl Express, Student Services. The date the withdrawal is submitted online will be considered the official KSU withdrawal date which will be used in the calculation of any tuition refund or refund to Federal student aid and/or HOPE scholarship programs. It is advisable to print the final page of the withdrawal for your records. Withdrawals submitted online prior to midnight on the last day to withdraw without academic penalty will receive a â€Å"W† grade. Withdrawals after midnight will receive a â€Å"WF†. Failure to complete the online withdrawal process will produce no withdrawal from classes. Call the Registrar’s Office at 770-423-6200 during business hours if assistance is needed. Students may, by means of the same online withdrawal and with the approval of the university Dean, withdraw from individual courses while retaining other courses on their schedules. This option may be exercised up until June 28th,2013. This is the date to withdraw without academic penalty for Summer Term, 2013 classes. Failure to withdraw by the date above will mean that the student has elected to receive the final grade(s) earned in the course(s). The only exception to those withdrawal regulations will be for those instances that involve unusual and fully documented circumstances 7. Academic Integrity Every KSU student is responsible for upholding the provisions of the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities, as published in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs. Section II of the Student Code of Conduct addresses the Universitys policy on academic honesty, including provisions regarding plagiarism and cheating, unauthorized access to University materials, misrepresentation/falsification of University records or academic work, malicious removal, retention, or destruction of library materials, malicious/intentional misuse of computer facilities and/or services, and misuse of student identification cards. Incidents of alleged academic misconduct will be handled through the established procedures of the University Judiciary Program, which includes either an informal resolution by a faculty member, resulting in a grade adjustment, or a formal hearing procedure, which may subject a student to the Code of Conducts minimal one semester suspension requirement. Final Notes ? ? This syllabus is subject to change at the sole discretion of the instructor. Any changes will be announced class-wide in a timely manner. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities act, qualified students with a disability may be entitled to reasonable accommodations. It is the students responsibility to disclose to the teacher any approved accommodations she/he may have before the end of the first week of class, or within a week of any change of status during the semester. .You will need to provide documentation of your disability to the disAbled Student Support Services office, located in the Student Center room 267, and obtain a list of approved accommodations. IMPORTANT: I am available to help you when you need help. Simply email me and set up a time to meet with me. WARNING! Poor planning and procrastination on your part does not create a crisis on mine. Make sure that you plan and work ahead so that there will be time to ask the questions and for me to respond. ? 8 Additional Information Writing professionally is a major part of this class. It is important to be able to communicate your statistical findings. Incorrect grammar and misspelled words can and will cause a reduction in points on your homework. If you know that this is a problem, the following resources are available: The Writing Center (for all students) http://www. kennesaw. edu/writingcenter/ ESL Study Tutorial Center (International students) The ESL Study Tutorial Center (University College, Department of University Studies) will be open in the fall Monday through Thursday from 9 AM to 5 PM. At the ESL Study Center, we offer the following services and programs for international students: tutoring in writing, reading, and pronunciation; general education academic advising and registration assistance; the Michigan Test of English Language Proficiency entrance examination; and the Conversation Partners Program, which matches international students with native English-speaking faculty, staff, and students in an exchange of languages and cultures. The ESL Study Center is located in Library Room 442. Please tell your colleagues and the international students in your classes about the ESL Study and Tutorial Center. For further information, please contact David Schmidt at [emailprotected] edu or 770-423-6377. 9 The syllabus and/or schedule is subject to change at the sole discretion of the instructor. Any changes in the syllabus or the schedule will be announced in class and via e-mail. It is important that you check your e-mail daily. You will not receive grades for Homework if you have not returned this form. Course Syllabus Review Statement and Signature Form. I have carefully read the syllabus for STAT 3010/01, Spring Semester 2013, and have had the opportunity to ask the instructor any questions I may have about it. I understand it contents, including the course requirements and grading policy. _____________________________________________ Print Name _______________________________ Signature _________________________ Date Acknowledgment and Acceptance of Academic Integrity Statement In any academic community, certain standards and ethical behavior are required to ensure the unhindered pursuit of knowledge and the free exchange of ideas. Academic honesty means that you respect the right of other individuals to express their views and opinions, and that you, as a student, not engage in plagiarism, cheating, illegal access, misuse or destruction of college property, or falsification of college records or academic work. As a member of the Kennesaw State University academic community you are expected to adhere to these ethical standards. You are expected to read, understand and follow the code of conduct as outlined in the KSU graduate and undergraduate catalogs. You need to be aware that if you are found guilty of violating these standards you will be subject to certain penalties as outlined in the college judiciary procedures. These penalties include permanent expulsion from KSU. Read the Academic Integrity Statement and then sign and date in the space below. You are required to abide by these ethical standards while you are a student at KSU. Your signature indicates that you understand the ethical standards expected of you in this academic community, and that you understand the consequences of violating these standards. ___________________________________ Print Name ___________________________________ Signature 10 _________________________ Date STAT 3010/01 Tentative Schedule This schedule is subject to change at the sole discretion of the instructor. Any changes will be announced in class and an e-mail will be sent on D2L. The information in grey is the portion of the class to be covered online each week. It can be done at your convenience, although it is listed on Tuesday. The time spent watching the videos is no more than 2. 5 hours, in most cases. This is the day that you would have spent in class. If you do not complete the tasks for the online day, you will not be prepared for the next inclass day. The readings and quizzes are homework. Reading is an important part of being prepared for this class. The quizzes are over the reading. There are study guides posted. If you fill these out as you read, you will find that most of the quiz questions are on the study guide. There are also teaching notes posted for the Excel and Minitab videos. It is highly advised that you use the notes as you are watching the videos. All work is to be submitted through D2L. All quizzes are taken on D2L. The quizzes will close at 8:00 AM on the date listed and will not be reopened. You have two attempts. This will cover the event that your internet freezes during one of your attempts. Because this is an applied class, there are no tests in this class; but as you can see, there is a lot of reading and work to be done. Your homework assignments should be treated with the same level of seriousness as a test would be. You may work in study groups; however, the work you turn in should be your original product. Homework papers will be randomly selected to be submitted to Turnitin to check for plagiarism. When watching the R videos, use the student R Lessons and type in the code to use in class. If you have not done this prior to class, you will not be able to participate in class. We will be using the code that you create while watching the videos to complete tasks in class. When watching the SAS videos, use the student SAS Lessons and type in the code to use in class. If you have not done this prior to class, you will not be able to participate in class. We will be using the code that you create while watching the videos to complete tasks in class. Final Note: There are basic statistics review videos and videos explaining interpretation of graphics/tables on D2L in the Resources module. 11 LEARNING MODULE 1: EXCEL COVERAGE The days in white are days in class and the days in gray are the online days. Class Date Class Coverage Videos Coverage Homework/Assignments All Quizzes are due at 8 am on the morning listed. Quiz 0 is over the syllabus. Quizzes 1 – 6 are over your reading assignments. If you complete the study guide as you read and use it to take the quiz. , you should do well on these. Due today: Read the Basic Concepts Manual (use the Quiz 1 study guide) Supplemental Text Ch. 1,2 4 Take Quiz 0 and Quiz 1. These quizzes are due at 8:00 AM on Monday, June th 11 due to add/drop) 1 Thurs. Introduction to class/Syllabus 05/30 Review of basic statistics Statistics Videos are available in the Resources Learning Module. If there is a concept that you don’t understand or want to review further, refer to these videos. Introduction to Excel Formatting Tables Using Microsoft Equation Data Analysis Tab Descriptive Statistics Histograms Frequency Tables The If Statement Stratified Analysis Pie Charts Bar Charts Contingency Tables More Contingency Tables Stacked Bar Charts 100% Stacked Bar Charts Random Number Generation and Sampling Confidence Intervals Sample Size 2 Tues. 06/04 Excel Video 1. 0 (13:50 min) Excel Video 1. 1 (7:34 min) Excel Video 1. 2 (7:34 min) Excel Video 1. 3 (10:. 29 min) Excel Video 1. 4 (12:36 min) Excel Video 1. 5 (8:30 min) Excel Video 2. 1 (9:50 min) Excel Video 3. 1 (9:01 min) Excel Video 3. 2 (3:36 min) Excel Video 3. 3 (4:53 min) Excel Video 3. 4 (8:08 min) Excel Video 3. 4B () Excel Video 3. 5 (4:35 min) Excel Video 4. 1. (5:56 min) Excel Video 4. 2 (9:22 min) Excel Video 4. 3 (2:48 min) 3 Thurs. Basic Statistics Review 06/06 Discuss homework expectations and how to make an A in the class. Due today: Read the Excel Manual (use the Quiz 2 study guide) Supplemental Text Parts 3 5 8:00 AM Quiz 0 (syllabus/schedule quiz) Quiz 1 (Excel quiz) Quiz 2 (R quiz) 12 LEARNING MODULE 2: R The days in white are days in class and the days in gray are the online days. Class 4 Date Tues. 06/11 Class Coverage R Video 1 (3:07 min) Video Coverage Downloading Installing R Launching R R Basics R as Calculator Manually Entering Data in R Opening Working With Script Importing Data R Help Pages Saving the Work Space Loading a Previously Saved Workspace Variable Naming Convention the attach() function Subsetting Data Importing Data Subsetting Measures of Central Tendency Frequency Tables. Homework/Assignments All homework/assignments should be completed by the data on which they appear. R Video 2 Work on Homework 1, due at midnight on Saturday, June 15th. R Video 3 (8:10 min) R Video 4 (15:40 min) R Video 5. 1 (12:37 min) R Video 5. 2 (7:13 min) R Video 5. 3 (11:09) 5 Thurs. 06/13 Questions on Excel Introduction to R R Activity Due today: Read R Manual (use the study guide) 8:00 AM Quiz 3 (over the R reading) Bring Code from Videos 2,3, 4 and 5 to class. Saturday 06/15 Homework 1 is due at midnight. If you have problems with the submission, e-mail the document to me immediately. The box will close at midnight. It will be reopened the morning of 6/16 for late submissions. It will close to all submissions at midnight on 6/16. 13 LEARNING MODULE 2: R continued Class 6 Date Tues. 6/18 Class Coverage Video Coverage Homework/Assignments R Video 6 (11:34 min) R Video 7 (13:35 min) R Video 8 (21:05 min) R Video 9 (21:06 min) R Video 10 Measures of Dispersion Visualization of Univariate Data Visualization of Multivariate Data Random Number Generation and SRS Confidence Intervals Due today: Read the Minitab Manual 7 Thurs. 6/20 R Activity R Lab Day (Use Quiz 4 Study Guide) Supplemental Text Parts 6 7 8:00 AM: Quiz 4 (Minitab) LEARNING MODULE 2: Minitab The days in white are days in class and the days in gray are the online days. Class 8 Date Tues. 6/25 Videos for this week are continued on page 15 (SAS) Class Coverage Minitab Video 1 ( 9:59 min) Mintab Video 2 (6:28 min). Minitab Video 3 (2:13min) Minitab Video 4 (7:23 min) Minitab Video 5 (2:25 min) Minitab Video 6 (3:24 min) Minitab Video 7 (5:53 min) Minitab Video 8 (2:44 min) Minitab Video 9 (8:36 min) Minitab Video 10 (4:27 min) Minitab Video 11 (4:03 min) Minitab Video 12 (2:49 min) Minitab Video 13 (6:06 min) Minitab Video 14 (7:37 min) Minitab Video 15 (4:28 min) Videos Data Management Descriptive Statistics Recoding Variables Stratified Analysis Frequency Tables Categorizing Quantitative Variables Pie Charts Ordering Ordinal Variables Bar Charts Boxplots Histograms Scatterplots Contingency Tables Random Number Generation Confidence Intervals. Homework/Assignments Work on Homework 2 14 LEARNING MODULE 3: SAS SQL The days in white are days in class and the days in gray are the online days. Class 8 Cont’d 9 Date 6/25 Thurs. 6/27 Class Coverage SAS Video 0 (7:35 min) SAS Video 1 (19:35 min) SAS Video 2 (12:47) Introduction to SAS Libraries Practice using the code that you received in Videos 0-2. Video Coverage Introduction to SAS SAS Libraries Importing Data Note: Have the code from Videos 1 2 ready to use in class today. Homework/Assignments Due Today: Read The SAS Manual (Use Quiz 5 Study Guide) Quiz 5 (SAS) 8:00 AM 10 Fri. 6/28 Tues. 7/2 Last Day To Withdraw Without Penalty SAS Video 3 (19:17 min) SAS Video 4 (15:34 min) SAS Video 5 (8:24 min) SAS Video 6 (13:32 min) SAS Video 7 (4:16 min) SAS Video 8 (10:21 min) SAS Video 9 (9:49 min) SAS Video 10 (7:07) No Class Today Descriptive Statistics Stratified Analysis Frequency Tables Formatting Contingency Tables Pie Charts Bar Charts Stacked Bar Charts, 100% Stacked Bar Charts Histograms, Grouped Histograms Boxplots, Side-by-side boxplots. Reminder: Homework 2 is due at midnight tonight. 11 Thurs. 7/04 Select your dataset for the final project. You will find the information for data selection in the Data Selection document on D2L. Only one person may use each dataset. They will be assigned first come/first served. Please email me your first three choices in order. You will receive a confirmation from me by email. 15 12 Tues. 7/09 SAS Video 11 (14:24 min) SAS Video 12 (7:52 min) 13 Thurs. 7/11. SAS Video 13 (11:46 min) SAS Video 14 (15:13 min) Practice activities using the Note: Have the code from Videos 1 – 14 code you received in ready to use in class today. Videos 1 – 14. Random Samples Confidence Intervals Stratified Confidence Intervals Exporting Data Sampling Confidence Intervals Due Today: Read SAS Prep Guide Little SAS Book (Use Quiz 6 Study Guide) Quiz 6 ( SAS Prep Guide Little SAS Book) 8:00 AM: 14 Tues. 7/16 SAS V 15 SQL V 1 (18:17 min) SQL V 2 (29:01 min) Macros Introduction to SQL SAS SQL. Your data set for the final project should be submitted for approval by today. After this date, there will be a five point deduction from your project grade. Work on your Final Project 15 Thurs. 7/18 Tues. 7/23 Tues. 7/23 SAS Lab Day Extra Lab Day 8:00AM – 10:45AM Bring your final project to class to work on. Bring all code that you have collected in this unit. Attendance is required unless you have turned in your Final Project. I will be available in our classroom to give last minute help with your project. Your final project is due today at midnight. No Late Submissions Will Be Accepted.

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